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Noah Ant Group Signs Contract With Indonesia's IMPAC to Promote Overseas Professional Employment in Korea

| Noah Ant Group Indonesia IMPAC takes over professional employment work

| Excellent overseas professionals with the recommendation of IMPAC to conduct employment work at Korean companies


Noah Ant Group announced that it held a contract ceremony with Indonesian Manpower Placement Consortium (IMPAC), an accredited manpower agency in Indonesia, to promote Korean employment for Indonesian overseas professionals who will work for domestic companies in the auditorium on the first floor of Noah Ant Group's office building on the 1st.


The signing ceremony was attended by five presidents of consortium members, Delif Subki, chairman of IMPAC, as representatives of Indonesia, and Jeong Ji-taek, chairman of Noah & T Group, as representatives of Korea.


Indonesia's IMPAC is a business consortium consisting of 25 Indonesian authorized personnel agencies and one authorized health check-up company that dispatches hundreds of thousands of Indonesian workers to many countries in the U.S., Canada, the U.K., and Europe every year. Noah & T Group is a company that trades and imports overseas based in China and Southeast Asian markets. Through this contract, Noah & T Group has exclusive authority to match Indonesia's outstanding personnel of Indonesia's IMPAC to Korean companies. In addition, the Korean representative of IMPAC was established on the fourth floor of Noah & T Group's office building at the same time as the contract was signed, and Patricia Sylvia Mamusung, an executive dispatched to Korea of IMPAC, began working as a representative.



Indonesian manpower dispatch agreement ceremony (Place: 1st floor of Noah Ant Group office building)


Indonesia is a key country in the ASEAN region, accounting for 41% of ASEAN's population and 34% of its total production, and Korea is the only ASEAN country to have a special strategic partnership. In particular, the manpower dispatch contract was made at the request of IMPAC, a labor ministry economic entrepreneur group of Indonesian President Jokowi, who visited Korea on July 27, and the Indonesian government also plans to actively support the employment of excellent workers in Korea.



an interview with the Indonesian ambassador to Korea



sedaily.png  Sedaily 2022. 8. 2


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